Última notícias European Shippers Council
The Logistics Emissions Accounting and Reduction Network (LEARN) project presented its results and practical examples how accounting of logistics and freight emissions works for businesses and helps to improve emissions reduction. Ver notícia completa. This article was posted on March 11th, 2019 by Katsiaryna Kliuyeva under News
Shippers are invited to participate in the rail stakeholders’ meeting organised in the framework of the European Rail Freight Line System project on the 27th of February 2019 in Frankfurt. The European Rail Freight Line System (ERFLS) is a new concept of liner intermodal freight trains. It has been developed recently under the EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Ver notícia completa. This article...
European Shippers’ Council calls for a transitional period following the date when the UK will leave the EU on the 29th of March 2019. The transitional period would allow governments as well as companies to finalise their preparation at least until December 2020. Ver notícia completa. This article was posted on January 14th, 2019 by Katsiaryna Kliuyeva under News
Last week Portbase and cooperating branch organisations in the Dutch ports launched the information campaign website www.getreadyforbrexit.eu/en. Here, exporters, importers, and their logistic service providers will be able to see at a glance what they will need to do to maintain quick transport of their cargo to and from the United Kingdom through the Dutch ports;...
In this article UIRR shares with us their vision on multimodality and the importance of cooperation in the supply chain. Transport policy has historically been approached separately, from the perspective of each different transport mode: road, rail, inland navigation, short sea shipping. Ver notícia completa. This article was posted on February 5th, 2018 by Katsiaryna Kliuyeva under News
25th January 2018, European Shippers’ Council participated in the European Commission’s cocktail event to celebrate the achievements of the maritime year and move towards multimodal focus. Ver notícia completa. This article was posted on February 5th, 2018 by Katsiaryna Kliuyeva under News
30th January 2018, the European Logistics Platform held its first event of the year 2018. The speakers presented their experiences in implementation and use of multimodal strategies in their supply chains Ver notícia completa This article was posted on February 5th, 2018 by Katsiaryna Kliuyeva under News